Like it or not, the days of remote work seem to be coming to somewhat of an end, and even in situations where its not, office politics seem to be on the rise in bigger - and more different - ways than before!
It's everywhere. Office relationships can be stressful, even when you’re working remote. Workplace expert Salman Raza shares his tops on how to navigate office politics without getting overwhelmed by stress.
·Get to know your co-workers’ motivations. One you’re able to identify certain behaviors, you can figure out how to deal with each one.
·Check in with your own emotions. Take a step back and check in with yourself. Process your own feelings first.
·Do your bit. You have power over your own actions; do not stoop to other people’s levels.
·Remove yourself from triggering situations in the moment. Ask for a few minutes to collect your thoughts or grab a drink of water.
·Channel your empathy. Remember they’re human and try to think about what may be causing them to act in this way.
·Don’t vent too much to other co-workers. It’ll just breed further division and discontent. If you need to vent, try people you don’t work with or get your emotions out on paper.
·Document your work. Don’t let anyone even have a chance of stealing credit from you. Let your boss know what you’ve been doing and what you’ve accomplished.
Source: Metro